Monday, April 4, 2011

Why Foodie?

Alright, alright, some people out there may be thinking, "Logan Square? A Foodie destination?" And I say, yes. How? I'll explain.

I want you to think about what comes to mind when you think of Logan Square. Most of you will have an image of a series of hipster bars with hipsters on bikes drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon. While these images are still accurate and are very much part of the popular Chicago psyche, there is another image that is starting to come out of the woodworks.

I've lived in Logan Square for a few years now. As someone who has always had an appreciation for food in its many forms, I am always looking for the new and exciting creations that are being made anywhere in the city. The more time I spent in Logan Square, the more apparent it has become that this neighborhood is a gold mine for gustatory experiences. I have tried the many different flavors of Logan Square and watched over the past year how 10 new establishments have gone up throughout the neighborhood and it is quite clear that Logan Square is meant to be experienced through your taste buds.

For this blog, I intend to show you the many different dishes and restaurants of Logan Square, so you can know where to get the best of, the most interesting and the most authentic of the food of Logan Square.

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